Russian language courses in Belgrade
Automatic translation of the record is corrected by the author

80 people attend free Russian language courses in Belgrade

80 people are currently attending free Russian language courses in Belgrade (Serbia). The decision to finance the Russian language teaching project was made by the Council of the Foundation for the Support of Christian Culture and Heritage on the initiative of the Executive Director of the Foundation, Egor Skopenko, following meetings with the clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The project is being implemented with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and His Holiness Patriarch Porfiry of Serbia.

The courses started in October 2023, will last until June 2024 and will resume in the new academic year. Group classes are held daily, except on weekends.

In addition to students studying Russian for work purposes and for themselves, the group also trains clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Russian Russian Language Training program is aimed at strengthening cultural and friendly ties between Russia and Serbia, in particular, at strengthening the relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Serbian Orthodox Church.