Creating television films about the life of world Orthodoxy

The Foundation for the Support of Christian Culture and Heritage provided financial assistance in the creation of television films about the life of world Orthodoxy.

Since 2014, a series of films has been released on the Kultura TV channel, which introduce viewers to the life of the Church in different parts of the Orthodox world. Within its framework, stories were published about Orthodoxy in Albania, America, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Georgia, China, Serbia, Romania, Japan, about the Holy Land and about Mount Athos.

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to release five documentaries under the general title "The World of Orthodoxy". The films are shot by the Neofit Studio.

The relevance of the release of these films is due, not least, to the current difficult situation in the inter-Orthodox community caused by the actions of Constantinople to destroy Orthodox unity. Against this background, each such project becomes an additional opportunity to strengthen the interaction of the Russian Orthodox Church with specific Local Orthodox Churches.

Films were created with the support of the Foundation:

Orthodoxy in Poland

The Church of Antioch

Jerusalem Church

St. Sava's Church

At the final stage of creation is the film "Orthodoxy in the Czech Republic and Slovakia".